The Frontiers Award goes to Karikó, Langer and Weissman for creating two technologies that together have propelled the advance of messenger RNA therapeutics, opening the door to vaccines and treatments for multiple diseases

The Frontiers Award goes to Karikó, Langer and Weissman for creating two technologies that together have propelled the advance of messenger RNA therapeutics, opening the door to vaccines and treatments for multiple diseases. In: (2022)

[thumbnail of T] Cikk, tanulmány, mű
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[thumbnail of Interview with Katalin Karikó, winner of the 14th Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine.mp4] Video
Interview with Katalin Karikó, winner of the 14th Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Biomedicine.mp4
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Item Type: Article
Journal or Publication Title:
Date: 2022. January 26.
Collection: University news archive > Katalin Karikó press news
Language: English
Related URLs:,
Uncontrolled Keywords: Volt egyetemi hallgató - Karikó Katalin - egyetemi tanár - BioNTech alelnöke, Kutatás - Pfizer-BioNTech közös vakcinafejlesztés, Járvány - koronavírus, Járványügyi védekezés - koronavírus - vakcina - Pfizer-BioNTech - védőoltás, Kitüntetés - Frontiers of Knowledge Award - In the Biology and Biomedicine category - BBVA Foundation - Spanyolország, Megosztva - Drew Weissman - Robert S. Langer
Date Deposited: 2022. Jan. 27. 12:05
Last Modified: 2022. May. 09. 15:54

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