/* if (typeof AITIA_POSITION == 'undefined') { document.write(""); } */ var search_lastSearchString = ''; var search_lastSendSearchString = ''; var _timedCall = 0; var searchTimer = null; var automaticFocus = false; var searchControl; var siteSearch; var SEARCH_MIN_SEARCHSTRING_LENGTH = 2; var GOOGLE_SEARCH_API_KEY; var RESULT_DIV = "googleResults"; var RESULTS_NUM = 5; var STRING_MAX_LENGTH = 42; var ALL_RESULTS_STRING = LANG['SEARCH_ALL_GOOGLE_RESULTS']; var NO_RESULTS_STRING = LANG['SEARCH_NO_GOOGLE_RESULTS']; var RESULT_TITLE = "Google"; var searchDelay = 700; // delay between typing and request function search_fastSearchManage(webraInstanceId, automatic, resultPosition) { if (automaticFocus) { automaticFocus = false; return; } if (window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) { if (searchTimer) { clearTimeout(searchTimer); searchTimer = null; document.getElementById('searchInput').style.backgroundPosition = "-1000px"; } if (document.getElementById('searchInput')) { search_lastSendSearchString = document.getElementById('searchInput').value; } search_sendSearchRequest(webraInstanceId, resultPosition); } else { if (document.getElementById('searchInput') && document.getElementById('searchInput').value.length > SEARCH_MIN_SEARCHSTRING_LENGTH && search_lastSearchString != document.getElementById('searchInput').value) { if (searchTimer) { clearTimeout(searchTimer); } searchTimer = setTimeout("search_fastSearchManageSend('" + webraInstanceId + "', '" + resultPosition + "');", searchDelay); } } if (document.getElementById('searchInput')) { search_lastSearchString = document.getElementById('searchInput').value; } } function search_fastSearchManageSend(webraInstanceId, resultPosition) { if (document.getElementById('searchInput') && document.getElementById('searchInput').value.length > SEARCH_MIN_SEARCHSTRING_LENGTH && search_lastSearchString == document.getElementById('searchInput').value) { search_lastSendSearchString = document.getElementById('searchInput').value; search_sendSearchRequest(webraInstanceId, resultPosition); search_fastSearchManage(webraInstanceId, false, resultPosition); } } function search_sendSearchRequest(webraInstanceId, resultPosition) { if (document.getElementById('searchInput').value.length >= SEARCH_MIN_SEARCHSTRING_LENGTH) { var callbackParams = new Array(); callbackParams.push(Array('resultPosition', resultPosition)); document.getElementById('searchInput').style.backgroundPosition = "right"; addRequest('/main.php?webraInstance=' + webraInstanceId + '&webraRequestType=xmlhttp&webra_action=search_xmlhttprequest&searchStr=' + encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('searchInput').value), 'search_refreshSearchResult', Array(), callbackParams); } } function search_refreshSearchResult(answerXML, callbackParams) { var resultPosition; if (callbackParams) { for (var i = 0; i < callbackParams.length; i++) { if (callbackParams[i][0] == "resultPosition") { resultPosition = callbackParams[i][1]; } } } if (!resultPosition) { resultPosition = 'left'; } var answer = unescape(answerXML); if (document.getElementById('searchInput') && search_lastSendSearchString == document.getElementById('searchInput').value) { var searchInput = document.getElementById('searchInput'); var newDiv = document.getElementById('searchresultfixed'); searchInput.style.backgroundPosition = '-1000px'; if (newDiv) { newDiv.parentNode.removeChild(newDiv); newDiv.setAttribute('id', ''); newDiv.innerHTML = ''; newDiv = null; } if (!newDiv) { //tartalmazĂł elem lĂŠtrehozĂĄsa, ha mĂŠg nincs var newDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(newDiv); newDiv.setAttribute('id', 'searchresultfixed'); newDiv.setAttribute('class', 'select-free'); newDiv.innerHTML = '
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" + RESULT_TITLE + " (" + siteSearch.cursor.estimatedResultCount + ")"; for (i = 0; i < siteSearch.results.length; i++) { if (RESULTS_NUM > i) { var result = siteSearch.results[i]; if (result.titleNoFormatting.length > STRING_MAX_LENGTH) { result.titleNoFormatting = result.titleNoFormatting.substring(0, STRING_MAX_LENGTH - 3) + "..."; } divText += ""; } } divText += "
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